I've lost family and friends to AIDS. I remember I was in 8th grade when our homeroom teach told us about a disease that was spreading, killing people and there was no cure. She warned us not to share needles or bodily fluids. I still remember the seriousness in her voice. But then it was 8th grade and while we understood somethings, other went over our heads. In high school I had 5 best friends. We were outliers. Our mutual love for fashion, art and dance bought us together. We'd hit clubs or the ball scene in outrageous matching outfits. Debate Nikki Giovanni proses, Share James Baldwin novels and we even stood on line for 2 hours at a Maya Angelou book signing. I am the only one alive.
Years later I worked at GMHC in the legal department answering phones. What people went through was horrifying. Eviction (some while bed ridden and helpless). Partners not allowed to legally make decisions. No one had rights. Everyone was afraid. Everyone was angry. And there was no cure. My first time visiting someone was at St. Vincents Hospital in the West Village. I was so scared. Everyone around me was wasting away. I remember saying to self "Keep it together, this isn't about you". My friend went from being vibrant to barely registering that I was there. His big meaty hands that would playfully pull my hair, mush my face or give me big bear hugs were now bones.
When I saw this episode of POSE it triggered a lot. It took maybe 3 tries to be able to watch the entire show.